"Arte et Marte"
"By Skill and by Fighting"


The National Capital Light Aid Detachment #104 is sponsoring a Birthday Brunch to celebrate the 78th Anniversary of RCEME.  This is an opportunity for you to renew friendships, socialize and relax with old friends.  The brunch will be held on Thursday, May 12th beginning at 0930 hrs at the Orleans Legion Branch #632 located at 800 Taylor Creek Road in Orleans.  This is a pay-as-you-go event, with an excellent menu to choose from; dress is casual. 

If you wish to attend, please RSVP Phil Whitehead, NLT Monday, 9th May by email: bluebelltango@gmail.com. This event is likely to sell out quickly.


Arte et Marte

60 Seconds with our New Colonel Commandant


RCEME Foundation publishes its first Newsletter

The RCEME Foundation is pleased to announce the publication of its first Newsletter. In this inaugural issue you can read all about the digital projects which will bring our online museum to life as well as the exciting online multi-media documentary project: “The Voices of Canada’s Soldier-Technicians”. How well do you know your Corps history? Try answering our RCEME Quiz, the answers will be available on our website. If you have any suggestions for our next issue, please contact us.

The RCEME Foundation’s inaugural Year End fundraising campaign

The RCEME Foundation’s inaugural Year End fundraising campaign not only met its $17,000 goal but surpassed it by a wide margin. Members of the RCEME Council joined forces with the Foundation’s Board of Directors to pledge $8,500 in matching funds so that for every dollar donated, the Board and Council would donate the same amount. By the time the campaign officially ended on New Year’s Eve, we had raised more than $22,000, an impressive achievement for a start-up Foundation. While we will not disclose any donor details, four of our most generous donors were motivated by their desire to honour their father’s service with RCEME during the Second World War. The RCEME Foundation’s mandate is about honouring and preserving such a legacy. Our sincere thanks to all of you who participated in this event, we hope that our achievements in 2022 will persuade you to continue supporting the RCEME Foundation.


The RCEME Foundation’s Board of Directors and the RCEME Council have personally pledged a total of $8,000 in matching donations From now until the end of this year, for every dollar you donate, it will be matched up to a maximum of $8,000. 

Your donations will support the digital transformation of the RCEME Museum, including the launch of a Digital Archive, which will record and preserve countless RCEME artifacts from across Canada. Our goal is to make our heritage, our stories, and artifacts accessible to our entire Community and to future generations.

Help us make 2022 as successful as this year has been, Arte et Marte.

RCEME Foundation appoints Steve Poole to its Board of Directors

The RCEME Foundation is pleased to welcome LCol (Ret’d) Steve Poole to its Board of Directors.  After serving 26 years with RCEME, Steve went on to become a Vice President at Canada Post’s Information Technologies and then as a Senior Assistant Deputy Minister and CEO Information Technology Services with the Government of Canada.  The Board looks forward to leveraging Steve’s extensive experience in digital projects.

New Website Launch

To mark the launch of our website, the RCEME Foundation has acquired the only remaining copies of the 75th Anniversary book “A Week in the Life of RCEME” from the publisher.  If you don’t already have a copy of this commemorative book, then here’s your chance to get one.

The first ten people to email: rceme.foundation.mbrs@rogers.com and pledge to donate $100 to the RCEME Foundation will receive a FREE copy of the book (a $25 value) as well as a tax deductible receipt for their $100 donation.