"Arte et Marte"
"By Skill and by Fighting"

RCEME Museum Event

This is an update on the event at the RCEME Museum in Kingston on 22 October. We are getting closer to what will be a memorable event. Timings for the event have been firmed up as 10:00 for 10:30 and a reminder that during the ceremony we will be unveiling the new RCEME Book of Remembrance kiosk, as well as inducting our next group of Leaders and Trailblazers. Due to the special nature of this event, dress for serving military is uniform with medals, while civilians are asked to wear equivalent dress, with medals if appropriate. We look forward to seeing you there! Arte et Marte

Read our latest Quarterly Newsletter

The third issue of our Quarterly Newsletter is available on this website. You can read about the huge digitization project undertaken by Library and Archives Canada. You will learn about RCEME and the Canadian Forces’ Eagle Staff and most importantly, hear about the real progress we’ve made on our priority projects, notably, the Book of Remembrance and the Museum website. Don’t forget to try and answer our latest RCEME Quiz!


After almost two years of COVID restrictions, the RCEME museum in Kingston has reopened and the Museum Committee is planning its first significant event on Sat, 22 Oct 2022. This event will officially recognize the induction of the next cohort of “Leaders and Trailblazers” as well as officially launch the new Book of Remembrance (BoR) Kiosk, this joint RCEME Corps and Foundation event marks the beginning of several important digitization milestones for the RCEME Museum. We hope that the event will also rejuvenate interest in LAD 101 Kingston’s activities. The history of LAD 101 speaks for itself in terms of our Heritage; it needs our collective support. There will be much more info to follow…. meanwhile, please make a note of the date in your calendars!

Arte et Marte

And the Winners Are …..

The 57th RCEME National Golf Tournament, run by LAD 103 Borden, was held from 3-5 August. It turned out to be a great event as we almost doubled the number of golfers prior to COVID, with 96 on the course this year. Although the weather forecast for Thursday wasn’t good, Mother Nature cooperated, and the only precipitation came in the form of perspiration! Friday was great golf weather – hot and steamy!

Of course, a tournament like this does not happen without a great Committee, this year under the very capable direction of Lorne Eastaugh and Tom Murphy; Fred White, Sue Wehling, Helen, and Fred Martin complemented the team.

While there were several sponsors, this was the first year that the RCEME Heritage and Museum Foundation had the opportunity to be a sponsor. Their sponsorship of four $150 prizes for “Closest to the Hole” was much appreciated. Pictured below on the left is Steve Poole, RCEME Foundation Director, presenting prizes to the winners; Lacey Theoret – Kyle Thompson – Holly Polasek- Zbigniew Menartowicz.

If you’re a golfer and you haven’t been to our tournament, plan on attending. Arte et Marte

RCEME Corporal Welcomes the Pope

On the 27th of July, Pope Francis was welcomed to the Citadel of Quebec City by the Governor General and other dignitaries. Among the members of the Pope’s Guard of Honour was Cpl Zachariah (Makoyi’nitsitsikin) White Elk, a Materials Technician with 5 Service Battalion, Valcartier and a proud member of the Blackfoot Nation. Corporal White Elk carried the Canadian Forces Eagle Staff.

The Eagle Staff is a unique, sacred symbol that represents traditional Indigenous culture and clans. It is used at ceremonies and celebratory functions, much like a nation’s flag. The Canadian Forces Eagle Staff was created in 2002 as a symbol to unite Aboriginal CF members. The Staff is made up of eagle feathers, a narwhal tusk, an ash bow, and a moose antler representing First Nations, Métis, and Inuit members of the Canadian Armed Forces.


The 57th LAD Borden RCEME Golf Tournament is at capacity. Thanks to all registered golfers for supporting this great event. The Committee looks forward to seeing all participants at this year’s tournament.

78th RCEME Birthday Campaign

The RCEME Heritage and Museum Foundation is pleased to announce that it has raised $27,384 during its 78th RCEME Birthday fundraising campaign, that’s 110% of its $25,000 campaign goal. These funds will enable the implementation of several priority digital projects, some of which will be accessible online by the end of this year.

The Foundation is committed to preserve and share the RCEME Corps’ rich heritage and wishes to extend its appreciation to all those who contributed to this very successful campaign.

78th RCEME Birthday Fundraiser

On the 1st of May, the RCEME Foundation launched its “78th RCEME Birthday” fundraising campaign with the goal of raising $25,000 to help preserve our rich heritage through museum digitization projects, including the creation of online, multi-media stories of Canada’s soldier-technicians that will be accessible to all. The “78th RCEME Birthday” campaign ends on the 31st of May.

57th National RCEME Golf Tournament

The 57th National RCEME Golf Tournament will be held at the Circled Pine Golf Course on 3 to 5 Aug 2022.  This annual event will be hosted by LAD Borden, the tournament Coordinator is Lorne Eastaugh (lad103borden@gmail.com).  For additional information and the Registration Form, click on this link.

RCEME Foundation Newsletter #2

The RCEME Foundation is pleased to announce the publication of its second Newsletter. This issue will tell you all about our upcoming Corps Birthday Fundraiser, our plans for a Scholarship programme, a retrospective look at the 50th Anniversary monument and a very interesting article on Museums in a Digital World written by a guest contributor. Finally, make sure you try and answer our RCEME History Quiz.